as pisces, the season of all things dreamy and ethereal kicks off, I wanna talk about AI.
yes these videos are AI, and all of my fatlaxy universe is developed from my vast body of modeling work, that I needed to repurpose as my artistry has evolved.
the fatlaxy is an PHAT exploration into a trans world where everyBODY can see themselves reflected.
it is a flexing of a tech(no)logy that wasn’t meant for me or to include the peoples i come from.
and by all means if you can do exactly what i’ve created with this body of work. show me. i’m not arguing with ignorance.
the AI conversation via social space and beyond, hasn’t been one at all.
i’ve read articles like Battling Ghost by Hannah Phifer via Seed, and others.
i’ve watched and engaged the entitled violence that folx feel they are allowed to participate in, as they step up on yet another soap box without surveying the land, or at least lifting up the damn box to see what’s there.
and every opinion i’ve engaged has been seated neatly within trend and social clout, where everyone seems to be parroting the exact same sentiments, without digging any further.
no nuance, just binary, backwards, either/or.
you gotta pick and side and if you don’t pick, well, we will move to cancel you.
it’s a club, a clique, of holy rollin, scratch the service anti AI ministers, who seem to know it all.
i am aware of all of the problems and issues associated with AI, from its impacts to climate change to the use of artist materials to generate work without permission.
all of these things factor into my praxis with AI.
as I have watched Black artists being the ones attacked, tug of war conversation between persons claiming that they are stealing opportunities from the “true” artists, I realized just how confused we are around most things that have to do with western tech(no)logy.
if it is to be an either/or choice, then we need to include the full breadth of what it means to put AI down all the way around.
but I don’t hear that echoed in any of these arguments. you simultaneously want to be able to demonize a ting while still participating and engaging it fully in your day to day life.
you are going to continue to “hey siri”, you are going to have the expectation that your train shows up when it’s supposed to at the station, you will log into your tik tok and demand to be placed back on book tok or whatever micro universe you find yourself in, algorithms are an integrated part of our daily lives, and all of these things have to do with AI.
so what is this really all about?
we are upset with the continued distraction, and
extraction from our communities, as we still suffer to find embodied belonging.
we think we will find our belonging in bullying and behaving in the same ways that the dominant culture continues to stand on the business of anti Blackness, the furthest they have ever been from accountability.
but it hasn’t worked, it isn’t working and the tech(no)logy we are so eager to bully each other around has a source.
that source is responsible for the ways in which tech(no)logy has now become a discriminatory tool that is simply an extension of the extractive world we have always lived in.
We are too afraid to look to the source, and hold them accountable, because they’ve done the job well, we now do the work of distraction and disposal without a second thought.
AI continues and we get stuck with the culture, the gossip, the tit for tat; when we can use this tech(no)logy as a tool to regain, retrain and retain the knowledge that we are indeed, and have always been the tech(know)logy.